Private security personnel outnumbers police in most countries. They play an extremely important role in maintaining law and order, protecting the property and lives of the people. Pepper spray for them is very helpful
Security officers place their lives on the line every time they go to work. An officer must confront every threat that presents itself. Therefore, security officers are a target for criminals. Who is looking to steal from, destroy, harm, or otherwise conduct illegal activities on a premise? Not all security officers bear arms. Because to do so they must first train on how to use them and receive relevant certification and permits. Unarmed security officers face an even higher risk on the job, particularly when they are up against armed criminals.
A security officer needs to be equipped with different gadgets/Equipment. which can ensure the use of force is justified and at the same time very effective.
Security guards and security officers assigned to an active post may find themselves in a situation where they are required to take a criminal into custody or defend themselves. A training question that always arises is how much force is a security officer allowed to use in a tense and potentially dangerous situation?
In India, most of the security guards are not able to harness the force levels 4 & 5, which causes a reduction in overall performance.
In level 4 we have options of using Pepper spray or tear gas, but since tear gas is not allowed to be used other than the Indian police force, it gets struck down from the option. Basically, we are now left with one & only option of using pepper spray. Pepper spray is completely legal to use under self defence under IPC section 96c.
So It is advisable to be equipped with Pepper spray for Level 4 which helps in self-defending as well as stopping the criminal(incapacitates the attacker as per level 5) without any permanent damage. Security guards placed in apartment/society, ATM, public places, IT parks, malls, etc must be equipped with Xboom advanced pepper spray.
The duty to intervene when they witness undesirable or illegal activities on the premises. Sometimes officers in a difficult position, when they have to deal with irate, suspicious, unruly, aggressive, or dangerous people. Currently, hardly any Indian security company is harnessing the power of pepper sprays which is one of the major plights of Indian security officers as they are not able to exercise their duty to the constrain of law, regulation, and proper self defence tools.
Just by introducing pepper spray, we can have amazing effects on security guards’ performance. It in turn will make our society safer by incorporating this easy to use self defence tool.
Pepper sprays are used wildly around the world by security personnel’s because of the following reasons-:
1.Boost up the confidence level of the security personnel who don’t have any better equipment to perform their duty.
2. Increase in the number of customers as they feel safer with better-equipped personnel. It has been observed that company showcasing their personnel’s are equipped. With such equipment’s gains has an added advantage over their competitors.
3. Security guards May not exercise Level 6 or even if they are allowed to do. They don’t do it in most cases. Due to various general restrains, Specifically in India it has become important for them. To have a tool that helps them to perform their duty in an excellent manner level 4 & level 5.
4. Even unarmed guards can carry it, or use it for self-defense, As there is no license required.
In India, it is important where guards have multiple constraints over the execution of their power. Hence, let’s equip our security personnel with XBOOM and help them in fulfilling their noble duty of providing a safer place.